jQWidgets 2.7

We are happy to announce the availability of jQWidgets 2.7. Below, you can find the full list of changes.

What’s New:

Right-to-Left Support.
jqxWindow, jqxNavigationBar and jqxExpander keyboard handling.
jqxGrid deferred scrolling.
jqxCalendar Month and Year Views.

What’s Improved:

– jqxNavigationBar and jqxExpander layouts
– jqxTree, jqxCalendar Keyboard navigation.

What’s Fixed:

– Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the editing when the data source is KO observableArray.
– Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the text selection after enabling the columns resizing in IE7 and IE8.
– Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the Popup Editing on Touch Device.
– Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the hiding of the status bar, after the Grid’s initialization.
– Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the auto-height functionality.
– Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the empty row rendering when the Grid’s rows height is dynamic.
– Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the validation popup’s position after changing the horizontal scrollbar’s position.
– Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the textbox filter in the filter row.
– Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the checkbox editor’s position when “autorowheight” is true.
– Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the checkbox column, when the column’s three state checkboxes are disabled and the cell’s value is null.
– Fixed an issue in jqxGrid regarding the columns resizing when the width is specified in percentages and the data source is dynamically updated.
– Fixed an issue in jqxListBox regarding the horizontal scrolling when the checkbox rendering is enabled.
– Fixed an issue in jqxListBox regarding the items reorder on touch devices.
– Fixed an issue in jqxListBox regarding the getItemByValue method when items are dynamically added or removed.
– Fixed an issue in jqxGauge regarding the rendering of the minor ticks.
– Fixed an issue in jqxGauge regarding the value parsing when the Gauge is initialized.
– Fixed an issue in jqxWindow regarding the zIndex when multiple modal windows are opened.
– Fixed an issue in jqxComboBox regarding the DropDown rendering when “remoteAutoComplete” is on.
– Fixed an issue in jqxComboBox regarding the “remoteAutoComplete” when “Shift” key is pressed.
– Fixed an issue in jqxInput regarding the DropDown positioning.
– Fixed an issue in jqxValidator regarding the arrow rendering when the position is set to ‘left’.

Breaking Changes:

– jqxDataAdapter foreign field definition.
– Update instructions.
Find in your code where the Foreign column is defined and replace it by using the new syntax.
Sample definition of a foreign column before:

// id – determines the id of a record in the foreign collection(employees.xml) which should match to the record’s name in the source collection(orders.xml).
// text – determines the display field from the foreign collection.
// source – determines the foreign collection.
// displayname – the field’s name in the adapter’s records array.
// name – the field’s name in the data source.
// When the ordersAdapter is loaded, each record will have a field called “EmployeeName”. The “EmployeeName” for each record comes from the employeesAdapter where the record’s “EmployeeID” from orders.xml matches to the “EmployeeID” from employees.xml.
{ name: ‘EmployeeID’, displayname: ‘EmployeeName’, map: ‘m\\:properties>d\\:EmployeeID’, text: ‘EmployeeName’, id: ‘EmployeeID’, source: employeesAdapter.records },

The code below defines the same column with the new syntax:

// name – determines the field’s name.
// value – the field’s value in the data source.
// values.source – specifies the foreign source. The expected value is an array.
// values.value – specifies the field’s value in the foreign source.
// values.name – specifies the field’s name in the foreign source.
// When the ordersAdapter is loaded, each record will have a field called “EmployeeName”. The “EmployeeName” for each record comes from the employeesAdapter where the record’s “EmployeeID” from orders.xml matches to the “EmployeeID” from employees.xml.
{ name: ‘EmployeeName’, value: ‘EmployeeID’, values: { source: employeesAdapter.records, value: ‘EmployeeID’, name: ‘EmployeeName’ } }

– Removed “expandedIndex” in jqxNavigationBar. Use “expandedIndexes” instead.
– Removed “lockAt” and “unlockAt” in jqxNavigationBar. Use “disableAt” and “enableAt” instead.
– Including jqxexpander.js when using jqxNavigationBar is no longer necessary.

About admin

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