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  • brogen

    Oh yes !

    Elementaire mon cher Watson

    I can now finish my project. Know, it’s time to bash script ^^.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ thanks for all !!!


    Hello Vladimir.

    I want open the calendar, wich is on jqxwindow, after click on “choisir une date”
    After, when I click on a date, then, only at this moment, I want open the new page, with the generated link.

    So, if write, the calendar is open at the same time as the page. Then, when I click on a date, it open the new page “date.html” :

        autoOpen: true

    But, if the autoOpen is on false, it directly open today.html when I open the jqxWindow…



    Oh… yes ! It was so obvious… Not for me, because i’m a beginner on html/javascript code…

    I have a problem, but it looks it’s the last one ^^.

    After clicking on “choisir une date” it directly open the new page today_date.html…

    I tried to change the event from “change” to “viewChange” but the problem is the same.


    Hello Vladimir, thanks for your answer.

    So, I changed my code, and I add a ” ; “missing.
    But, the I still have the same problem…
    I used a HTML, and javascript validator, but no problem detected…

                    // create jqxcalendar.
                    $("#jqxWidget").jqxCalendar({width: 220, height: 220});
                    $('#jqxCalendar').on('change', function (event) {
                    var date = $('#jqxCalendar').val();
                    var url = ("0" + date.getDate()).slice(-2) + '-' + ("0" + (date.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2) + '-' + date.getFull
    Year() + '.html';
                    // reload chart with generated url here
                            window.location = url;


    Sorry, i can’t reply.

    There is a little mistake on my last post :

    But, at (at the bottom, after click on โ€œchoisir une dateโ€), when I click on a date, it doesnโ€™t open the url.


    Hello Vladimir,

    Thanks for all your answers. I’m almost done ๐Ÿ™‚

    I just have a little problem with calendar event, for opening my custom URL

    So, at my code seems working great…

    But, at (at the bottom, after click on “choisir une date”), when I click on a date, it doesn’t open the url.

    Atm i’m still testing by changing the window.location= url; but still not working…

    Thanks again for help ^^



    If I can’t use jqxDateTimeInput, is there any where to generate a popup with the calendar ?

    Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚


    Hello Vladimir.

    Thanks for your answer. It’s Working great !

    For a best screen display i’m trying to generate a popup that open the calendar. So, I tried with jqxDateTimeInput , but my code is not working.
    When I click on a date, there is no event…

    $(‘#jqxDateTimeInput’).on(‘change’, function (event) {
    var date = $(‘#jqxDateTimeInput’).val();
    var url = (“0” + date.getDate()).slice(-2) + ‘-‘ + (“0” + (date.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2) + ‘-‘ + date.getFullYear() + ‘.html’;
    // reload chart with generated url here
    window.location = url;

    in reply to: Add "0" to hour and minutes Add "0" to hour and minutes #76344


    YES ! I was looking for that for arround 4 days now. But i wanted ask again…
    It’s working.
    I just added a comma ^^

    Thanks for all, again :).


    I found my problem. I just had to change the “base unit” of my range selector from “day” to “hour”.


    Hi Peter !

    I say : YES YES YES !!! It’s was so easy, and it’s finaly WORKING ! Thanks for all.

    Now, I just have a little problem. The zoom doesn’t work properly for me. When I move the range selector, before datas, the line stay in the middle of the chart. But, when I move the range selector into datas, zoom is working.
    If you know the problem, maybe you can help me. If you want to see code and other, you can have a look here

    Thanks again to the team ๐Ÿ™‚


    Hello Vladimir.

    When I posted my last answer, I didn’t see your answer on September 18, 2015 at 9:02 am.

    So, i confirm. It looks that Chrome reconize data, but IE or Firefox can’t.

    So, I read the post, but I can’t find solution to resolve this…



    Oh, it’s really strange.

    One more time, you’re right. On my phone, it looks correct.

    With all other charts, i see the line, but with this one, no. As you said, it’s a javascript object, and it’s possible that our proxy at work blocks such code…
    I’ll have a look, still with firefox, but at home. It’s sad if I can’t see the line when I’m at work, but it’s only a little problem

    One more time, I thank you for all ๐Ÿ™‚


    So, there is still a problem ^^.

    The dates in range selector and the chart looks correct, but… I don’t have datas anymore in chart ^^.

    It looks that the datas are being read in the CSV because the valueAxis changes according the data in the CSV…

    example is still on the same link.


    Hi Vladimir !

    It’s almost working ^^.

    I’m looking for some hours now, but I don’t understand and solve this problem…

    I think I understand the code you gave me, and for me, my data file is correct, but the chart has problem.

    As you can see there, the date is 9/9/2015, but datas (here) begin at 2015-09-17 00:00 and finish at 2015-09-18 07:55

    Line seems restart and “superimpose” (not sure if it’s the right word…) itself…

    Any idea ?

    Thanks again for all

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