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  • antonomase


    I have the same problem of jqxWindow opening badly in collapse mode when I use jqxCheckBox.

    I had an table with many jqxInput, jqxDateTimeInput, jqxNumberInput and jqxDropdown fields: the jqxWindow opened normally. I just added a jqxCheckBox field and I had the same problem as with jqxGrid.

    I have updated for a test page with a jqxCheckBox

    in reply to: Custom sort function Custom sort function #121148


    Hi Yavor,

    Thanks for the answer

    I added some lines to answer my need : sort dates in dd/mm/yyyy format but in a textBox field and not a dateTimeInput field

      $(document).ready(function () {
                // prepare the data
                var data = generatedata(20);
                var sortcolumn;
                var customsortfunc = function (column, direction) {
                    var sortdata = new Array();
                    //Store the current sort column
                    sortcolumn = column;
                var compare = function (value1, value2) {
                    if (sortcolumn === 'textDate') {
                        //Reverse dd/mm/yyyy to yyyymmdd
                        tmpvalue1 = String(value1).substr(-4)+String(value1).substr(3,2)+String(value1).substr(0,2);
                        tmpvalue2 = String(value2).substr(-4)+String(value2).substr(3,2)+String(value2).substr(0,2);
                        value1 = tmpvalue1;
                        value2 = tmpvalue2;

    This meets the need, but it is not very elegant. A callback function associated to the sorting on the column would be more consistent with the other behaviors on this column (renderer, filter,…).



    You can reproduce the bug on

    Type in the browser box on the right side
    1) jqxWindow is open even the collapsed flag is on true and the content is empty
    2) when you first click on the collapse button, the text appears
    3) after a second click, the behavior is normal

    Now type in the browser box on the right side
    –>The window works fine

    in reply to: V12 in the v13 zip file V12 in the v13 zip file #121078


    which one is that?

    This one*

    The release notes are

    Yes, I know.
    All I’m saying is that the gap between the expected version and the downloaded version is disturbing.

    When you see that you have installed version 12, and you are told that the new version fixes the bug, and you see that there is a version 13 to download, and you install it, but in the end, it is the same version, you are a bit confused.

    That’s all. It’s not a big deal

    Best regards

    in reply to: V12 in the v13 zip file V12 in the v13 zip file #121074


    Thanks for the answer,
    I opened another topic and the answer from the hotline was that it was fixed in the new version.
    So, it is rather disturbing to download a supposed version 13 and have source files 12.2 and the downloaded releasenotes.txt file does not show anything about v13.


    Hi Yavor,

    I’m using jQWidgets v12.2.0 Release, Sep-21-2021

    in reply to: Bug with % Bug with % #59967


    Hi Peter

    I use a dataAdapters and the source of the datatables are the dataAdapters. But I have about 350 dataTables and I have built tools to dynamically generate the syntax. I can’t have a generator for each set of data.

    I do not understand why a text field is not displayed as a text field because it contains a %. If it contains a € or a $, it isn’t converted into a number ?

    For the moment, my solution is into the PHP program which generate the datas and is to replace the char % by the chars °/o. But it is not very clean.


    Hi Peter,

    I use savestate to get the state of a grid. My wishes are on the life time of the saved state (permanent or just for the session), the name of the saved state and a method to delete a saved state.

    For the moment, i write this

    function writestate () {
     var state = $("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid('savestate');
     sessionStorage.setItem ("jqxmyname", JSON.stringify(state));
    function loadstate () {
    var state = sessionStorage.getItem("jqxmyname");
     if (state) {
      $("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid('loadstate', JSON.parse(state));

    the functions are handled on events on the grid (savestate) and on ready (loadstate).

    it will be easier to have something like that

    $("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid('savestate', 'session', 'jqxmyname');
     $("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid('loadstate', 'session', 'jqxmyname');
     $("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid('removestate', 'session', 'jqxmyname');

    and samething with autosavestate and autoloadstate

      autosavestate : true,
      autoloadstate : true,
      autosavestatestorage: 'session|local',
      autosavestatename: 'the_name_of_the_state'

    But it’s just an idea…


    It’s just that the rowClick event of dataTable can be executed on left click (button 1), right click (button 3) and wheel click (button 2).
    And the rowclick event of grid can be executed only on left click(button 1) or right click (button 3).



    I use two dockings to do that.
    but no way to drag and drop the windows between the thow dockings.


    Hi Peter,

    I have a Datatable with no height predefined. So the datatable adjust his height in fonction of his contents.
    What I try to do is to know if the datatable has a small height if the text in it is short or if the height has a large value if the text is very long.

    If my datatable is named “jqxdatatable”, i’ve seen in the code that the datas are in a table with id tablejqxdatatable and the header in a div columntablejqxdatatable.
    I can read and use the heights of this table and this div, but it is not “clean” (if on day you change the names of these elements).

    So for the moment, I have a window in a docking page and i do

     ready: function() {
      $('#mywindow').height($("#tablejqxdatatable").height() + $("#columnjqxdatatable").height()+40);


    Hi Peter,

    Thanks for your answer.

    You have 2 times the clear method in the api list.
    And (in my opinion), it will be easier to read if the methods will be sorted in alphabetic order.

    in reply to: DropDownList and Validator DropDownList and Validator #47033


    The code to detect if the user retype a value or clear the field : the val is unset so the validation rule can run.

    $('#combobox').on('change', function (event) {
      var args = event.args;
      if (typeof args === 'undefined') {
       var index = $("#combobox").jqxComboBox('getSelectedIndex'); 
       if (index >= 0) { $("#combobox").jqxComboBox('unselectIndex', index ); }

    Perhaps for the future versions of Combobox… 🙂

    an event when the user types in the box
    and a property which indicates if the text in the box matches or not an item in the list

    in reply to: DropDownList and Validator DropDownList and Validator #47032


    Hi Peter,

    My users have to type an address with a field ‘city’ which must be in a list of 2200 authorized cities. This field is required.
    It is more easy to have a combobox than a very long dropdown.

    But if I use a jqxDropDownList, I have the same problem : the validator do not detect that the user has chosen a city in the list.

    I resolve part of the problem with

    { input: '#combobox', message: "Combo required", action: 'change, keyup, blur', rule: function () {if ($('#combobox').val() > 0) { return true; } else { return false; }} }

    But if the user cleans the field or retype without choosing a value, the last value remains in val(). I have to manage that.

    Best regards

    in reply to: Filtering with accent Filtering with accent #46841


    Hi Peter,

    Unfortunately it is not simple for all those who use letters with accents. We have to set the parameters for the database, for the langage, for the browser, for the html, … sometimes it is utf8, sometime not. And when you migrate from an environment of development to an environment of production, it is necessary to begin again everything.
    The only simple way to manage accents is to use the HTML codes : it is universal.

    Can I use loadcomplete over the data adapter to convert all the html codes to “true” chars. But it can be very long


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