Hello,i have question.
I`m used signalR for search changes from other page.
function updateGrid(id) {
var entities = deepIdSearch(id);
var ids = [];
for (var i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {
if (ids.length > 0) {
dataService.tractors_getById(id).then(function (response) {
var d = $scope.settings.source;
var value = entities[0];
var index = d.indexOf(value);
var id = $scope.settings.jqxGrid('getrowid', index);
var row = createRow(response);
$scope.settings.jqxGrid('updaterow', id, row);
$scope.$on("dbChange" + Enum.DbChangingItem.Tractor.description, function (e, args) {
var id = args.id;
When a method works till the end,the table automatically cleans the filters
Exactly the same way I used at other page,but there is working.
What`s happenned?