jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid virtual scroll main grid with nested grid

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Dimitar 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • mjf200

    We are trying to develop a grid for mobile that pulls data from a server. We don’t want paging, instead we are using the virtual scroll. As the user scrolls, more data is retrieved from the server. This is working as expected.

    The issue we are having is the fact that our grids will be multi-level. If the user expands a main grid record near the bottom of the display, the nested grid details are mostly off screen. When you scroll down to see them better, the main grid detects the scroll and retrieves more data, throwing off the record details.

    Is there a way for the main grid to take into account the fact that row details are displayed and when scrolling down we don’t actually need to get more data from the server?

    Are there any demos that demonstrate this scenario(virtual scroll and a nested grid)?

    Another issue I noticed is when I have sortable:true on the grid, it is making two requests to the server when there is a scroll. If I turn off sortable and make no other changes, only one request is made to the server. I didn’t dig too much into this issue since the scrolling issue could possibly be a show stopper for us.



    Hello Mike,

    The behaviour you experience is expected, but we cannot provide you with a solution, unfortunately. However, in our test scenario, the row details (nested grids) are not closed, even though more data is retrieved and the grid – updated.

    As for the multiple requests issue, please share how exactly you reproduce it and we will try to help.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

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