jQuery UI Widgets Forums Scheduler View Dialog

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Hristo 7 years, 7 months ago.

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    View Dialog Posts
  • View Dialog #91574



    I’m wondering is there a way to create View dialog. I will show schedule like read only, but there isn’t any way to show other data than the subject. I tried change edit dialog but I can’t find documentation about fields parameter. ( I can’t find method like .disable(); )

    editDialogCreate: function (dialog, fields, editAppointment) {
                        // hide repeat option
                        fields.repeatContainer.disable(); // not exists

    So is there any way to do that?


    View Dialog #91586


    Hello Hackhers,

    Please, take a look at this demo:
    You will find out how to add a new widget there. I would suggest you inspect the structure of the “Edit Appointment” dialog.
    Could clarify “schedule like read only, but there isn’t any way to show other data than the subject” and more details what you want to achieve?

    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team

    View Dialog #91590


    Hello Hristo,

    I didn’t understand example isn’t giving me any info. I don’t want to hide items. I want to make them static text, not input. In another word, I want to make them non-editable. I just want to show data to the user, I don’t want to make edit dialog, I want to make view dialog.

    View Dialog #91614


    Hello Hackhers,

    Please, take a look at this demo:
    In the example above you will find how to fill the fields in the dialog.

    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team

    View Dialog #91673


    Hello Hristo,

    I don’t think you understood me. I don’t want to understand how to fill forms.

    Here what I want in steps:

    1) I need to delete buttons (“Save”, “Delete”)
    2) I want to make inputs static text like:
    <input type="text" value="Some value" /> to <span>Some value</span>
    3) I want to rename “Edit Appointment” to “View Appointment”
    4) Delete “Create Appointment” menu item.

    The examples you were given is just about filling, hiding stuff. I want to make dialog read-only (View). Current dialog is edit dialog, I don’t have anything to do with it. There is no example like that.

    View Dialog #91707


    Hello Hackhers,

    Unfortunately, there is no such option – to change the context menu items.
    You could try to create a workaround, maybe with additional window.
    About “how to make dialog read-only” you could use this approach:

    $(fields.subject[0]).val('Some value');
    $(fields.subject[0]).jqxInput({ disabled: true });

    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team

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