jQuery UI Widgets Forums Layouts Splitter Using splitter with docking

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  nkuznetsov 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Using splitter with docking #74186



    I am trying to achieve some hydrid functionality between splitter and docking. In terms of layout, I need something like this (an example):


    While this can be implemented by using splitter, I also need the sections to be draggable into each other’s areas, much like jqxDocking allows us to do.

    I essentially need either docking that is resizeable or splitter that is draggable/droppable.

    An example layout is attached. This is done via docking. 2 vertical panels, 3 sections in each, i. e. a 3×2 grid. What I need is also an ability to have section 3 gone and section 1 to span into both columns. I.e. when section 3 is removed, section 0 is expanded or resized into 3’s place. Right now if that is done, the second column (section 4) just gets shifted up.

    All in all, my layout is dynamic – sometimes I display 2 sections, sometimes 5. In the first case, 1 is above another. In the second case, there is one on top, and then 2 panels with 2 sections each below it.

    I’m not sure whether I should start with docking and integrate it with splitter or vice versa 😉

    Let me know if this is achievable at all and, if yes, an example would be great! Also, let know if you need more info on what I am trying to achieve, my description is a little hectic.



    Using splitter with docking #74203


    Hi nkuznetsov,

    Unfortunately, your requirement is beyond the capabilities of jqxDocking and jqxSplitter. If you wish, you could contact our Sales department at sales@jqwidgets.com and request this functionality as a custom development task.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

    Using splitter with docking #74229



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