jQuery UI Widgets Forums Form Some issues with using 'jqxCheckBoxGroup'"

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ivanpeevski 1 year ago.

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  • inee814

    I’m testing ‘jqxCheckBoxGroup’ and have encountered several issues, so I’m leaving an inquiry.

    1) An error occurs when the ‘disabled’ attribute is set to true.
    2) If the ‘change’ attribute is not specified, values cannot be retrieved using the ‘val’ or ‘getValue’ method.”
    3) The ‘val’ method does not work when setting values, whereas ‘checkValue’ works.
    4) Setting values and then retrieving them does not work when in a disabled state. This can be verified by pressing the ‘Disabled’, ‘Set items’, and ‘Get value’ buttons in sequence.

    Please check the code at the link below


    Hi inee814,

    Thank you for the detailed feedback! I have opened a work item about the issues and we will work on resolving them for our next release.

    Best Regards,
    Ivan Peevski
    jQWidgets Team

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