This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Hristo 8 years, 1 month ago.

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  • showArrow doesn't work #87512


    I’m using a Popover with the Angular2 Wrapper with the option showArrow: false, but the arrow showing to the selector is shown anyway. Do I have to configure another option or is there a bug?

    My configuration looks like this:

            this.qsPopoverSettings = {
                arrowOffsetValue: 50,
                title: "Schnellsuche",
                showCloseButton: true,
                showArrow: false,
                selector: "#logNotificationContainer",            
                position: "bottom",
                isModal: true,
                width: '500px'
    showArrow doesn't work #87532


    Hello Matthias,

    Thank you for this feedback. We will investigate this case.
    I would like to ask you to post Angular2 topics relevant section.

    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team

    showArrow doesn't work #87540


    I posted here, because I’m not sure if this is an Angular2 related problem, or if this also occurs without angular2.

    showArrow doesn't work #88060


    Is this being addressed? There’s a forum post asking about this very problem back in January, to which the reply was “we already know about this”. Can we expect a fix for this in the next release at least?

    showArrow doesn't work #88231


    Hello Pfhoenix,

    I can not commit to a specific period.
    You could find new things in the Release History.
    Thank you for your understanding.

    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team

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