jQuery UI Widgets Forums Chart setting series colorScheme for stackedcolumn chart

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  aykutucar 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • aykutucar

    I am trying to have a stackedcolumn chart with 2 series using different color schemes.
    I tried to do something like below but it ignores the colorScheme.
    When I try to to set the color scheme after the line type: ‘stackedcolumn’, I get seriesIndex is not defined error.
    I also tried to set the fillcolor for each series which kinda works but this time I lose mouseover highlighting and the gradient even though I set useGradient to true.

    type: ‘stackedcolumn’,
    seriesGapPercent: 0,
    series: [
    dataField: ‘DMEK’, displayText: ‘DMEK’, colorScheme: ‘scheme02’
    dataField: ‘DSAEK’, displayText: ‘DSAEK’, colorScheme: ‘scheme02’
    dataField: ‘PKP’, displayText: ‘PKP’, colorScheme: ‘scheme02’
    dataField: ‘Other’, displayText: ‘Other’, colorScheme: ‘scheme02’
    type: ‘stackedcolumn’,
    columnsGapPercent: 15,
    seriesGapPercent: 0,
    series: [
    dataField: ‘Domestic’, displayText: ‘Domestic’, colorScheme: ‘scheme09’
    dataField: ‘International’, displayText: ‘International’, colorScheme: ‘scheme09’


    Hello aykutucar,

    You should use color member of the particular column of the series.
    Please, take a look the example below, it is based on “Stacked and Grouped Column Series” demo:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <title id='Description'>JavaScript Chart Stacked and Grouped Series example</title>
        <meta name="description" content="This is an example of JavaScript Chart Stacked and Grouped Series." />
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../jqwidgets/styles/jqx.base.css" type="text/css" />
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../../scripts/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../../jqwidgets/jqxcore.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../../jqwidgets/jqxdata.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../../jqwidgets/jqxdraw.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../../jqwidgets/jqxchart.core.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            $(document).ready(function () {
                // prepare chart data as an array
                var sampleData = [
                    { Day: 'Monday', Running: 30, Swimming: 5, Cycling: 25, Riding: 10 },
                    { Day: 'Tuesday', Running: 25, Swimming: 25, Cycling: 0, Riding: 15 },
                    { Day: 'Wednesday', Running: 30, Swimming: 5, Cycling: 25, Riding: 25 },
                    { Day: 'Thursday', Running: 35, Swimming: 25, Cycling: 45, Riding: 15 },
                    { Day: 'Friday', Running: 5, Swimming: 20, Cycling: 25, Riding: 5 },
                    { Day: 'Saturday', Running: 30, Swimming: 0, Cycling: 30, Riding: 30 },
                    { Day: 'Sunday', Running: 60, Swimming: 45, Cycling: 5, Riding: 20 }
                // prepare jqxChart settings
                var settings = {
                    title: "Fitness & exercise weekly scorecard",
                    description: "Time spent in vigorous exercise by activity",
                    enableAnimations: true,
                    showLegend: true,
                    padding: { left: 5, top: 5, right: 5, bottom: 5 },
                    titlePadding: { left: 90, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 10 },
                    source: sampleData,
                    colorScheme: 'scheme06',
                        dataField: 'Day',
                        unitInterval: 1,
                        tickMarks: {
                            visible: true,
                            unitInterval: 1,
                            color: '#888888'
                        gridLines: {
                            visible: false,
                            unitInterval: 1,
                            color: '#888888'
                        unitInterval: 10,
                        minValue: 0,
                        maxValue: 120,
                        visible: true,
                        title: { text: 'Time in minutes<br>' },
                        tickMarks: { color: '#888888' },
                        gridLines: { color: '#888888' }
                            type: 'stackedcolumn',
                            columnsGapPercent: 50,
                            seriesGapPercent: 5,
                            series: [
                                { dataField: 'Running', displayText: 'Running', color: "#FF0000" },
                                { dataField: 'Swimming', displayText: 'Swimming', color: "#00FF00" }
                            type: 'stackedcolumn',
                            columnsGapPercent: 50,
                            seriesGapPercent: 5,
                            series: [
                                { dataField: 'Riding', displayText: 'Riding' },
                                { dataField: 'Cycling', displayText: 'Cycling' }
                // setup the chart
    <body class='default'>
        <div id='chartContainer' style="width: 850px; height: 500px;"></div>
        <div class="example-description">
            <br />
            <br />
            This is an example of JavaScript chart stacked and grouped series.

    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team


    Hi Hristo,
    It does the same thing as fillColor.
    And again, I lose the mouseover highlighting and the gradient even though I set useGradient to true.
    Is there a way to draw the color with the gradient?


    Hello aykutucar,

    I tested again this example and it seems to work fine.
    Maybe these colors are too saturated and they confusing.
    I would like to suggest you try with more ‘soft’ colors (eg. “#798ba8” & “#d1a151”).

    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team


    Hi again,
    I don’t think it is related to the color.
    I modified a previous fiddle of yours and changed one of the series to blue.
    You can see that there is no gradient and no mouseover highlighting.



    Hello aykutucar,

    Thank you for this feedback.
    I recommend you to use fillColor (because “color” property is deprecated) and hexadecimal color representation (“#0000FF”).
    Please, take a look at this example.

    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team


    Hi Hristo,
    That fixed it, thank you so much for your help.

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