The data has 20 fields, showing by jqxtreeGrid.
But only a few fields are declared in columns.
I have a field that is not declared in columns and has value.
When I use setcellvalue to operate it, I will report an error.
$(“#treeGrid”).jqxTreeGrid(‘setCellValue’, ‘ALFKI’, ‘firstName’, ‘New Value’);
jqxdatatable.js:6 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘displayfield’ of null
at Object.<anonymous> (VM2643 jqxdatatable.js:6)
at Function.each (VM2624 jquery.js:370)
at namespace.<computed>.setCellValueByKey (VM2643 jqxdatatable.js:6)
at namespace.<computed>.setCellValue (VM2644 jqxtreegrid.js:6)
at Object.$.jqx.invoke (VM2635 jqxcore.js:8270)
at Object.$.jqx.jqxWidgetProxy (VM2635 jqxcore.js:8645)
at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (VM2635 jqxcore.js:9023)
at Function.each (VM2624 jquery.js:370)
at jQuery.fn.init.each (VM2624 jquery.js:137)
at jQuery.fn.init.$.fn.<computed> [as jqxTreeGrid] (VM2635 jqxcore.js:9022)
What should I do with it?
I don’t want to declare it as a hidden columns, because it will affect efficiency
Thank you very much.