jQuery UI Widgets Forums Navigation Tree Set the active row without accompanying event?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  alastairwalker 5 years, 2 months ago.

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  • alastairwalker

    Hi – I am trying to set the active row of a Tree without an event being triggered.

    The applicable method is: $(‘#jqxTree’).jqxTree(‘selectItem’, element);

    But when ‘selectItem’ is used, the event ‘select’ is triggered (i.e. This event is triggered when a tree item is selected – as per documentation.)

    In the Grid widget, there is an equivalent method ‘selectrow’ i.e.


    but this does not trigger an event.

    My question is – there is a method for Tree that can be used to set the active row without an event being triggered at the same time?. (Perhaps there is a work around?)

    Many thanks,



    Hello Alastair,

    You could use event.args.type to determine when the event is triggered by mouse click, keyboard or by using the selectItem method.
    Its possible values are: ‘mouse’, ‘keyboard’ and null.
    Please, check the following Example.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets Team


    Thank you very much!

    The helpful response is really appreciated!

    Best regards,


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