jQuery UI Widgets Forums TreeGrid Selecting a row in JQXTreeGrid

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  • Selecting a row in JQXTreeGrid #88865


    Using selectionMode: custom is preventing selection of a row on rowClick event. I came to know that I can select/unselect a row only through the API.
    I am trying to use the API methods rowSelect() to select a row but its not working. Please help !!
    I am using the below code:

    $(id).jqxTreeGrid({ selectionMode: “custom” });
    $(id).on(‘rowClick’, function (event) {
    console.log(“row clicked”);
    var args = event.args;
    var row = args.row;
    var key = args.key;
    $(id).jqxTreeGrid(‘selectRow’, event.args.rowindex);

    Selecting a row in JQXTreeGrid #88870


    Hi newuser,

    You have to use the value of event.args.key instead event.args.rowindex in your rowClick method.
    Please refer to this tree grid demo.

    Best Regards,
    Ivailo Ivanov

    jQWidgets Team

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