jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid saving state on rowselect not sending selectedrowindex in json

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  alberto.reina 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • alberto.reina


    I am trying to save the state of my grid whenever a select a row, I have tried two approaches but none of them seems to work.

    When I do this:

    $(“#” + gridName + “jqxgrid”).bind(‘rowclick’, function (event) {
    var gridState = JSON.stringify($(“#” + gridName + “jqxgrid”).jqxGrid(‘savestate’));
    SaveGridStateDB(gridName, gridState, GridUserID, GridServiceURL, GridProjectName);


    The result is that it sends in my stringify stuff this : \”],\”selectedrowindexes\”:[0],\”selectedrowindex\”:0,\”, but that zero correspond to the previous click, not the actual one. I am assuming the click event happens before rowselect.

    The other approach is when I do this:

    $(“#” + gridName + “jqxgrid”).bind(‘rowselect’, function (event) {
    var gridState = JSON.stringify($(“#” + gridName + “jqxgrid”).jqxGrid(‘savestate’));
    SaveGridStateDB(gridName, gridState, GridUserID, GridServiceURL, GridProjectName);

    The result is that it sends in my stringify stuff this: \”],\”selectedrowindexes\”:[],\”selectedrowindex\”:-1,\”, even though I am selecting a row. So I am assuming there should be another method like “afterrowselected” or “rowselected” but I can’t see that in the API.

    Can you help me out?



    What I did was this, (I think it’s a workaround though):

    $(“#” + gridName + “jqxgrid”).bind(‘rowselect’, function (event) {

    var args = event.args;
    var selectedrowindexes = [];

    var gridStateJSON = $(“#” + gridName + “jqxgrid”).jqxGrid(‘savestate’);

    gridStateJSON[‘selectedrowindexes’] = selectedrowindexes;

    gridStateJSON[‘selectedrowindex’] = args.rowindex;

    var gridState = JSON.stringify(gridStateJSON);
    SaveGridStateDB(gridName, gridState, GridUserID, GridServiceURL, GridProjectName);

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