jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Replace functionality grid with UI

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Nadezhda 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Replace functionality grid with UI #61105



    We’re making an MVC website but we want everything done by the server. Is there an ability to ‘fake’ the sort functionality of the grid? This means that the UI is updated from the grid when clicking on a column header, but that the sorting functionality is disabled.

    So when i click on the header of the column, i want to do:
    – update the UI of the column (like there is sorted but the list itself must not be sorted => disable that the content of the grid will be changed)
    – ask for every column if the column is sorted (by this way i can do multisort) and put this in a array or something and then pass it to the controller by ajax and when the ajax succeeded, refresh the gridData.

    So how can i fake the UI of a column that is sorted?

    We do everything with our own queries so the grid itself should not have a lot of functionality but only display how the data is composed.

    Replace functionality grid with UI #61109


    Hello BramVercaigne,

    Please, take a look at Server Sorting with jqxGrid help topic and DataTable Server Sorting demo.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

    Replace functionality grid with UI #61111



    Thanks for your answer but i already saw this examples. The problem is that we do not work with an EF because all our data is dynamic. We work with view models and these contains a list of columns already. So the columns are made dynamically.

    So these server examples are not the way we want to work.

    Is there a possibility to turn off the functionality of the grid? Like when i click on a column header, only the UI changes and the data does not change…

    Kind Regards,

    Replace functionality grid with UI #61133


    Hi BramVercaigne,

    You may use the idea of Custom Sorting demo and make your own sorting method.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

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