This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  dsFranz 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • RangeSelector set range #95347



    I have problem to set range at Range Selector.

    When I set a range before current set min date, the shown result is not correct.

    You can try this on:

    When pushing the set Range Button, the displayed range should be from 16.07.2013 to 25.07.2013
    But it is from 16.07.2013 to 16.07.2013 !

    How can I make this work???

    And I did not get any answer to my last post on the link:

    I still have the problem that I can not use it on tablet, my customers are not able to set range.

    Thank you, best regard.

    RangeSelector set range #95404


    Hello Franz,

    Thank you for this feedback.
    After some testings, I would like to suggest you set bigger width: 900, if it possible option for you.
    Thank you for the understanding.

    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team

    RangeSelector set range #95416


    Thanks for reply.

    The Best solution for me is to adjust min and max so that the displayed range is not to big, which makes sense anyway,
    than the setRange function makes no problems.

    When setting width to min 900px, the widget seems to function on touch devices.
    But it makes no sense to have such big control on Phones, so I decided not to use this widget on touch devices.
    It would be better to change range by touching the markers, like on desktop, I think that it would work better with smaller width.
    Maybe you can think of that in future versions.

    Best Regards,

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