I have defined for my entire browser app “box-sizing: border-box”. This seemes to work just fine with jQWdigets and avoids in several places those annoying problems of widgets with 100% being too large due to their 2 pixel border.
Just when placing a jqxPanel inside of a jqxDockPanel it looks like some size calculation routine comes up with a wrong result. Have a look at this fiddle:
It places a panel inside a dockPanel and uses “box-sizing: border-box”. The result is that the panel receives a width and height of 102%, even though I specified both as 100%.
What I want to achive is to have a center area that fils the remaining space fo the dockPanel, and that is fileld with a 100% extent panel so that it can show content dependant scrollbars (and has a background matching he current theme).