jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid post data to jqxgrid

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  • post data to jqxgrid #61890


    i am using a jqxdropdown with checkboxes and like to filter the jqxgrid with the checkboxes selected.

    i do not want to use the default grid filters as i want to save the checked boxes for each user so when he logs in again the dropdown remembers the choices picked the first time.

    is this possible?

    i can also click a button to refresh the grid based on the choices picked.

    post data to jqxgrid #61927


    Hello hk,

    Please check out the demo Custom Filtering which shows a similar scenario. The saving part may be achieved through the grid’s savestate/loadstate functionality or through saving the checked items with cookies (example).

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

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