jQuery UI Widgets Forums Dialogs and Notifications Window position: fixed in jqxWindow

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  • position: fixed in jqxWindow #86121



    is it possible to have a fixed-Container inside of a jqxWindow (e.g. always at the top) which moves with the window, but will stay there when the window is scrolled?


    position: fixed in jqxWindow #86123


    Hello 74bit,

    I am not sure I understand you correctly.
    It is possible to use header div tag to collect some other element in.
    On that way when window is collapsed or expanded again there are always stay that container.
    Like the image in (icon in the header) this example below:

    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team

    position: fixed in jqxWindow #86125


    I have a jqxwindow with a large formular, larger than the window so there will be scrollbars.

    I want to have the save-button always visible (on top, or on bottom)

    On a normal page I would solve this with CSS position:fixed, so the save-container stays on the same position and is always visible regardless of where the user scrolls to.

    But in the jqxwindow I cannot use this, because the window might move or open at a different position.

    position: fixed in jqxWindow #86161


    Hello 74bit,

    You could try to use property position from the jqxWindow. Thus, you could set desirable position.
    Also if you want could get offset position of the window on that way – $('#jqxwindow').offset().

    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team

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