Hi kamal sharma,
The pie chart’s radius property specifies the circle’s size.
Code snippet:
var settings = { title: "Desktop browsers share in Dec 2011", description: "(source: wikipedia.org)", enableAnimations: true, showLegend: false, legendPosition: { left: 520, top: 140, width: 100, height: 100 }, padding: { left: 5, top: 5, right: 5, bottom: 5 }, titlePadding: { left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 10 }, source: dataAdapter, colorScheme: 'scheme02', seriesGroups: [ { type: 'pie', showLabels: true, series: [ { dataField: 'Share', displayText: 'Browser', labelRadius: 100, initialAngle: 15, radius: 130, centerOffset: 0, formatSettings: { sufix: '%', decimalPlaces: 1 } } ] } ] }; // setup the chart $('#jqxChart').jqxChart(settings);
Sample using the above initialization code: javascript_chart_pie_series.htm.
Best Wishes,
Peter Stoev
jQWidgets Team