jQuery UI Widgets Forums DataTable pager items – making bigger

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  jonno 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • pager items – making bigger #67441


    Hi Folks,

    I’m using jqxDataTable and I want to make the paging buttons,page numbers to make them viewable and usable on a tablet.

    I can change the buttons via css without a problem but the page numbers seem to change back to it’s default sizing.

    I’m using css class .jqx-grid-pager-number to resize the height and font-size.
    Not a problem if there is just one page.
    The problem is when there is more than one page available; when i click on the next page, the page numbers size resets back to it’s small default.

    pager items – making bigger #67467


    Hi jonno,

    I guess you apply the changes through jQuery’s .css() method, whereas, if you want to keep the changes, you would only have to specify them in a style, e.g.: http://jsfiddle.net/Dimitar_jQWidgets/ac27jq6o/.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

    pager items – making bigger #68650


    Thank you for this.

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