jQuery UI Widgets Forums Scheduler onAppointmentChange

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  loganstill 7 years, 1 month ago.

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  • onAppointmentChange #97948


    Is there a way to differentiate between whether an appointment has been drag & dropped or resized? I have backend code that handles the two differently

    onAppointmentChange #97959


    Hello loganstill,

    Can you please clarify a little bit more, what exactly do you want us to show you?

    Take a look at this demo, it shows’drag & drop’ and ‘resize’:
    jqxCheduler doesn’t have an event for nither of them, but you can use appointmentChange to get when something happend to the appointment.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets Team

    onAppointmentChange #97973


    To rephrase my question: When an appointment has been changed, is it possible to tell if the change was a resize or a drag & drop? I’m implementing the onAppointmentChange event handler and actually have come up with a workable solution that calculates the duration of the target appointment and compares that to the original appointment (if both durations are the same, then it was not a resize). I can now distinguish between whether an appointment has been resized or dropped, but it would be nice if there was a way to distinguish this without calculations

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