jQuery UI Widgets Forums Angular Notification container message missing

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Hristo 6 years, 9 months ago.

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  • andrea

    I have copy your example you have in Angular for the jqxNotification container and it’s not working.
    The notification appears but it doesn’t display any text in the notification content, only the icon is appeared.
    I have debug, and ‘this.notificationContent.nativeElement.innerHTML’ is getting a value when it’s called.
    On browser I don’t have any errors either.
    I’m using Angular 5.2.0 together with jqWidgets 5.6.0.

    Can you please help me solve this problem.

    Notification container message missing #99176


    Hello andrea,

    We did some test with the demos.
    They work fine on the website, but if you try them in your project, no message seems to be shown.
    This is not intended and a fix will be released in the near future!

    Thank you for this report.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets Team



    We have downloaded the last version :
    * jQWidgets v5.7.2 Release, April-20-2018 *
    – Fixed an issue in jqxNotification regarding the dynamically change of templates.

    But in fact, we have the same problem under Angular, the Notification is empty with innerHtml change dynamically.
    How using this widget ?
    Best Regards.


    Hello Sébastien,

    That I understand you try to change the message in the jqxNotification.
    I would like to suggest you try this approach:
    It seems to work fine.
    Also, we recommend using the latest version of jQWidgets: http://www.jqwidgets.com/download/

    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team

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