jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Nested Grid binding to remote data

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  • Nested Grid binding to remote data #73856


    Hi, I’m trying to replicate a .Net Master-Detail control I have using JQwidgets. I populate both grids with JSON obtained via call to webservices. I have been able to follow your example of Master-Detail successfully but I need my detail grid nested and this is where I’m getting confused 🙂
    This is how I got the Master-Detail to work. What would I need to do to nest the detail grid?

    <script type="text/javascript">
                $(document).ready(function() {
                    var student_id = '3214321';
                    var url = 'http://webservicecall/ByStudent/' + student_id
                                    var mastersource = {
                                            dataType: 'jsonp',
                                              datafields: [
                                                 { name: 'ID' },
                                                 { name: 'RAOSCD_LINK' },
                                                 { name: 'description' },
                                                 { name: 'ACAD_PERIOD' },
                                                 { name: 'PublishedAt', type: 'date'},
                                                 { name: 'AOS_PERIOD' }
                                            url: url,
                                            cache: false,
                                            root: 'data'
                                                 };//end of mastersource
                                  //Preparing the data for use
                                    var MasterdataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(mastersource, { contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
                                            downloadComplete: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR)
                                                return data.d;
                                        });//end of dataAdapter
                                width: 555,
                                source: MasterdataAdapter,
                                autoheight: true,
                                columns: [
                                        { text: 'Course', datafield: 'RAOSCD_LINK', width: 100 },
                                        { text: 'Course Name', datafield: 'description', width: 300 },
                                        { text: ' ', datafield: 'ACAD_PERIOD', width: 55 },
                                        { text: 'Published', datafield: 'PublishedAt', cellsformat:'dd/mm/yyyy',  width: 100}//,
                                       // { text: 'ID', datafield: 'ID', width: 100}
                                         });//end of $("#mastergrid").jqxGrid
                                          $("#mastergrid").on('rowselect', function (event) {
                            var ID = event.args.row.ID;
                            var service_call =   'http://webservicecall/Published/' + ID; 
                              var detailsource = {
                                            dataType: 'jsonp',
                                              datafields: [
                                                { name: 'AOS_CODE'},
                                                { name: 'FULL_DESC_1'},
                                                { name: 'AOS_PERIOD', width: 100 },
                                                { name: 'cw1'},
                                                { name: 'cw2'},  
                                                { name: 'cw3'},   
                                                { name: 'cw4'},   
                                                { name: 'cw5'},   
                                                { name: 'ex1'},  
                                                { name: 'ex2'},   
                                                { name: 'ex3'},   
                                                { name: 'ex4'},                          
                                                { name: 'aggmark'},
                                                { name: 'grade'}
                                            url: service_call,                                     
                                            cache: false,
                                            root: 'data'
                                                 };//end of mastersource
                                             var dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(detailsource, { contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
                                            downloadComplete: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR)
                                                return data.d;
                                        });//end of dataAdapter
                                source: dataAdapter,
                                 autorowheight: true,
                                 autoheight: true,
                                 columns: [
                                        { text: 'AOS Code', datafield: 'AOS_CODE', width: 100 },
                                        { text: 'Module', datafield: 'FULL_DESC_1', width: 180 },
                                        { text: 'Sess', datafield: 'AOS_PERIOD', width: 15 },
                                        { text: 'CW 1', datafield: 'cw1', width: 15},
                                        { text: 'CW 2', datafield: 'cw2', width: 15},  
                                        { text: 'CW 3', datafield: 'cw3', width: 15},   
                                        { text: 'CW 4', datafield: 'cw4', width: 15},   
                                        { text: 'CW 5', datafield: 'cw5', width: 15},   
                                        { text: 'EX 1', datafield: 'ex1', width: 15},  
                                        { text: 'EX 2', datafield: 'ex2', width: 15},   
                                        { text: 'EX 3', datafield: 'ex3', width: 15},   
                                        { text: 'EX 4', datafield: 'ex4', width: 15},                          
                                        { text: 'Agg', datafield: 'aggmark', width: 15},
                                        { text: 'Rslt', datafield: 'grade', width: 15}
                                         });//end of $("#detailgrid").jqxGrid
                                          });// end of $("#mastergrid").on('rowselect', function (event)
                    });//end of .ready(function())
    Nested Grid binding to remote data #73869


    Hi iancollins,

    Please take a look at the Nested Grids demo that shows the the client-side implementation of nested grids. Unfortunately, we do not have an ASP.NET example with this functionality, but we have a PHP demo you can find in the jQWidgets download package, in phpdemos\server_side_grid__with_nested_grids. While different server-side, this example may still be helpful to you.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

    Nested Grid binding to remote data #73887


    Hi again.
    Thanks for that I have managed to get it working, kindof 🙂
    The data I have for my nested grid varies quite a lot. Even if the number of rows are known, the fact I have to wrap the text means the height of nested grid will be different for pretty much every row so $("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid('setrowdetails', i, "<div id='grid" + i + "' style='margin: 10px;'></div>", 220, true); isn’t going to work well for me.

    Is there a way to have this details row resize automatically to fit the grid it contains?



    Nested Grid binding to remote data #73934


    Hi Ian,

    Unfortunately, row details auto height is not supported.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

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