jQuery UI Widgets Forums Navigation Menu, Context Menu menu H popup div position

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Dimitar 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • menu H popup div position #26308


    Hi every body,

    For a while i try to solve the flwg pb with poup div position in horizontal menu.
    I have the flwg setup

    $("#jqxMenuH").jqxMenu('setItemOpenDirection', 'VotreEspace', 'left', 'up');
    $("#jqxMenuH").jqxMenu('setItemOpenDirection', 'Manifestations', 'left', 'up');
    $("#jqxMenuH").jqxMenu('setItemOpenDirection', 'nousJoindre', 'left', 'down');


    setItemOpenDirection’, ‘nousJoindre’, ‘left’, ‘down’

    the popup div is rightly positioned at the bottom of


    but with the “up” setItemOpenDirection’s configuration i got a gap of 10px between the top of


    and popup div’s bottom position.

    How can i solve this, which class i must adjust or how can i play with CSS style, with orwithout JS script ay load time ?

    many thks

    menu H popup div position #26369


    Hello bronson,

    Please post a larger code sample, including the HTML, which we may test to determine the source of the reported issue.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

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