jQuery UI Widgets Forums Scheduler Looking for a Timeline Year View

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  • Looking for a Timeline Year View #89796


    Hello there,

    I’m looking for timelines like the ones of jqxScheduler but with a view for a whole year. I want to display a pretty complicated table and something like that would make things a lot easier.
    In that table there are 12 columns for the 12 months of the year(amongst others). The rows change depending on the number and name of people who have appointments. The appointments are colored cells where rows and columns meet. They should show the exact date when you hover over them or have the date written in them, haven’t figured that out completely yet.

    Is there a timeline view like that? Haven’t found anything like that on jqwidgets website but perhaps you can help me anyways?

    Thanks for your help!

    Best Regards,

    Looking for a Timeline Year View #89863


    Hello JuneRRZK,

    Unfortunately, there is no timeline year view in jqxScheduler. The available views are: ‘dayView’, ‘weekView’, ‘monthView’, ‘timelineDayView’, ‘timelineWeekView’, ‘timelineMonthView’ and ‘agendaView’.

    Perhaps you may be able to achieve your requirement using a customized jqxGrid (if you do not need the scheduler’s advanced functionalities, but only wish to show appointments in rows and have twelve month columns).

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

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