jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid limit with datatype json ?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Peter Stoev 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • limit with datatype json ? #91705


    I created a grid with json source data. But I have a column that contains more than 1012 characters, and it seems that above 1012 my grid no longer displays. Below 1012 my grid is Display Correctly.

    Is there a limit , do you have an idea of my problem ?


    limit with datatype json ? #91710


    1/ here attached my json file that i cant import into my grid (even with only one colums), please help

    "HISTORY":"(A01) Acute myocardial infarction / (A02) Angina pectoris / (A03) Cholecystitis chronic / (A04) Pyelonephritis chronic / (A05) Ventricular extrasystoles / (A06) Cardiac failure chronic / (A07) Aortic arteriosclerosis / (A08) Hypertension / (A09)
     Carotid arteriosclerosis / (A10) Acquired mixed hyperlipidaemia / (A11) Angina unstable / (A12) Supraventricular extrasystoles / (A13) Spinal osteoarthritis / (A14) Peripheral arterial occlusive disease / (A15) Pulmonary fibrosis / (A16) Intervertebral di
    sc protrusion / (A17) Benign prostatic hyperplasia / (A18) Aortic valve stenosis / (A19) Left ventricular hypertrophy / (A20) Aortic valve calcification / (A21) Mitral valve calcification / (A22) Angina unstable / (A23) Obesity / (A24) Peptic ulcer / (A25)
     Myocardial infarction / (A26) Aortic valve incompetence / (A27) Chronic gastritis / (A28) Duodenitis / (A29) Sinus bradycardia / (A30) Peripheral artery stenosis / (A31) Angina pectoris / (A32) Periarthritis / (A33) Duodenitis / (A34) Angina pectoris / (A

    2/ the size of tje tooltip seems also limited ? it is true ?

    limit with datatype json ? #91715

    Peter Stoev

    Hi nico86,

    No, we do not put limits in the Grid and did not put any. We have no idea why you encounter something like that. Please, prepare and share jsfiddle.net sample so someone from the forum can look at it.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

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