1/ here attached my json file that i cant import into my grid (even with only one colums), please help
"HISTORY":"(A01) Acute myocardial infarction / (A02) Angina pectoris / (A03) Cholecystitis chronic / (A04) Pyelonephritis chronic / (A05) Ventricular extrasystoles / (A06) Cardiac failure chronic / (A07) Aortic arteriosclerosis / (A08) Hypertension / (A09)
Carotid arteriosclerosis / (A10) Acquired mixed hyperlipidaemia / (A11) Angina unstable / (A12) Supraventricular extrasystoles / (A13) Spinal osteoarthritis / (A14) Peripheral arterial occlusive disease / (A15) Pulmonary fibrosis / (A16) Intervertebral di
sc protrusion / (A17) Benign prostatic hyperplasia / (A18) Aortic valve stenosis / (A19) Left ventricular hypertrophy / (A20) Aortic valve calcification / (A21) Mitral valve calcification / (A22) Angina unstable / (A23) Obesity / (A24) Peptic ulcer / (A25)
Myocardial infarction / (A26) Aortic valve incompetence / (A27) Chronic gastritis / (A28) Duodenitis / (A29) Sinus bradycardia / (A30) Peripheral artery stenosis / (A31) Angina pectoris / (A32) Periarthritis / (A33) Duodenitis / (A34) Angina pectoris / (A
2/ the size of tje tooltip seems also limited ? it is true ?