jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid Limit in formatData parameter collection

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sibeesh Venu 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Limit in formatData parameter collection #77261

    Sibeesh Venu

    I am working in server side grid. I recently faced an issue that when I pass some large data as the parameter in formatData function, the grid doesn’t even fire the url url: '../Widget/GetDataForGrid/', . Is there any limit to send the extra parameters to the server? If yes, how can we increase it? Please advice me a solution. Thanks in advance.

    Kindest Regards
    Sibeesh Venu

    Limit in formatData parameter collection #77266

    Peter Stoev

    Hi Sibeesh,

    We don’t put limits especially in things that do not depend on us. Probably you put all params in the URL instead of using “POST” server call and you hit the browser’s url 2000 chars limit 🙂

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

    Limit in formatData parameter collection #77292

    Sibeesh Venu

    I am just extending the data in the formatdata function as follows.

    formatData: function (data) {                
                    $.extend(data, {
                        selectedColumn: selectedColumn,
                        selectedRow: selectedRow,
                        selectedMeasures: selectedMeasures,
                        serverName: serverName,
                        databaseName: databaseName,
                        cubeName: cubeName,
                        queryTemplate: QueryTemplate,
                        chartMode: ChartMode,
                        chartType: chartType,
                        filterContent: filterContent,
                        FilterSelectedValue: FilterSelectedValue,
                        rollingTimePeriod: rollingTimePeriod,
                        calculatedmeasureVal: calculatedmeasureVal
                    return data;

    When I do that I am getting error. But when I pass less data in the variable FilterSelectedValue, it is working fine. Please advice me any fix. Thanks in advance.

    Kindest Regards
    Sibeesh Venu

    Limit in formatData parameter collection #77293

    Sibeesh Venu

    It seems I solved the issue. I added type: 'POST', in my source object. Thank you

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