jQuery UI Widgets Forums Gauges and Maps Gauges LabelStyles prop does not work in jqxKnob

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  • LabelStyles prop does not work in jqxKnob #103115


    Hello Team,

    I will have 3 Knobs on 1 page with different Label styles.
    But the Label style property in jqxKnob does not work. So I have written a workaround, and that will make my life so easy.

    I have made a CSS in my code:
    .jqx-knob-myFontLabelOne {
    font-size: 30px;
    font-family: Algerian;
    fill: yellow
    .jqx-knob-myFontLabelTwo {
    font-size: 20px;
    font-family: Verdana ;
    fill: green;

    I have made a change in the jqxKnob.js:

    add a “class” property in your jqxKnob.js Labels:
    labels: { class: “jqx-knob-label”, type: “digits”, step: null, rotate: false, offset: null, style: “”, visible: false }

    and replace in the jqxKnob.js code “jqx-knob-label” for this.labels.class

    now I can do:
    $(‘#container’).jqxKnob({labels: {
    offset: ‘88%’,
    step: 1,
    visible: true,
    class: ‘jqx-knob-myFontLabelOne’

    It will render perfect!

    And if you do not give the class name, the default name will use.

    LabelStyles prop does not work in jqxKnob #103157


    Hello JoopC,

    We did not recommend custom changes in our library.
    If you do this it is your decision but we cannot guarantee the result.

    Also, we do not have such property – “LabelStyles”.
    If you provide us with more information about what you want to achieve I could try to provide you with a solution.

    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team

    LabelStyles prop does not work in jqxKnob #103172


    Hello Hristo,

    >>Also, we do not have such property – “LabelStyles”.

    your documentation KNOB API reference/labels/style says:

    style – specifies the style of the labels. style.fill – fill color(hex string) or object(object.color(hex color), object.gradientType(linear, linearHorizontal or radial), gradientStops(Array like [[0, 1], [50, 0.5], [100, 1]]), style.stroke – border color(hex string), style.strokeWidth – border width.

    LabelStyles prop does not work in jqxKnob #103174


    Hello Hristo,

    I forgot to say, I want multiple Knob Widgets on 1 page with different label font-size and color.

    thanks JoopC.

    LabelStyles prop does not work in jqxKnob #103178


    Hello JoopC,

    We have labels property and also style property and each one with own members – not simply one property (LabelStyles).
    Also, I would like to mention that we do not create specific demos for each one customer.
    About the jqxKnob one inside another one I would like to suggest you look at this demo with Multiple Knobs:

    I will create a work item for this labels.style which does not react.
    Thank you for this feedback.

    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team

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