I’m trying to filter a grid by certain values, but don’t want the user to see those values in the checkedlist. I want those values to have a label instead, but filtering based on the selected values.
I tried setting up the column like this:
{ text: 'Priority', datafield: 'priCode', filtertype: 'checkedlist', filteritems: [ { value: 1, label: "Critical" }, { value: 10, label: "High" }, { value: 20, label: "Medium" }, { value: 30, label: "Low" }, { value: 99, label: "OToG" }, ], editable: false, pinned: true}
But this results in a dropdown that has checkboxes with blank labels, and selecting one of the options does not filter based on the hidden value.
If I use a simple array, like this:
filteritems: ['1', '10', '20', '30', '99']
I at least get correct filtering, but like I said I want to label them.