jQuery UI Widgets Forums Layouts Kanban kanban new items order

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  ksaidi 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • kanban new items order #83989


    Hi Everybody,

    A question about kanban and getColumnItems method.
    When the kanban is initialized, in my column, i have for example 4 items : A, B, C and D
    i moved the last item D to the second position. So i have : A, D, B and C.
    When i invoke getColumnItems, i still have A, B, C and D.
    is there a way to get the new items order ?
    Thx for any help.


    kanban new items order #84190


    Hi Ksaidi,

    Unfortunately, there is no such a built-in functionality.

    Best Regards,
    Ivailo Ivanov

    jQWidgets Team

    kanban new items order #85652


    Hi Ksaidi,

    I achieved this goal using this code:

    $('#kanban').on('itemMoved', function (event) {
                    var args = event.args;
                    var itemId = args.itemId;
                    var idx = $('#kanban_' + itemId).index();

    I just get DIV index on parent, using jQuery function. But, I do not know if this will be keep stable between versions…

    I thing that position is a basic feature on Kanban like components. This feature will be added in a near future?

    kanban new items order #85682


    Hi Iourivalos,

    Thx for your help. i have already found a workaround like yours.
    I also get the items DIVs position by their column id.

    function getListOrder(id) {
         var list = document.getElementById(id).childNodes;
         var listLength = list.length;
         var i=0;
         var res = [];
         for(var i=0; i<listLength; i++){
              var chaine = list.item(i).id;
              var tableau = chaine.split("_");
              var indexAuditee = tableau[1];
         var chaine = res.toString();
         return chaine;
    var listAuditees = getListOrder("kanban-column-container-0");
    var listAuditeesAudit = getListOrder("kanban-column-container-1");
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