It seems that you can not use a jqxColorPicker in a jqxWindow when the jqxWindow is in modal mode. The color picker window shows up behind the jqxwindow. Is there a way to fix this?
I also have an issue with jqxColorPicker and since there is no forum for it I will mention it here. I’m using the jqxdropdown and colorpicker together to create a dropdown color picker. The drop down color picker does not close when the mouse is clicked anywhere outside of the colorpicker drop down. Instead only SOME places in the window cause the drop down to close. You can verify this in the dropdown color picker demo on your site. If you open the color picker and click to the left of the window it will not close, but if you click to the right it will. This has been quite confusing for users, especially when the color picker covers other form inputs.