jQuery UI Widgets Forums Vue JqxTabs style goes off

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  • JqxTabs style goes off #106795

    Alex Skiba

    Hi! Please take a look at a modified App.vue file from this tutorial.
    If you run it, you can see that after visibility of the Tab 2 changes styles of this tab go off, and it becomes unusable. Please advise how can I make it working again. Thank you!

        Tab 2 should be {{visible ? 'visible' : 'hidden'}}
        <br />
        <button @click="doThings">Boom</button>
                <li>Tab 1</li>
                <li v-if="visible">Tab 2</li>
                Content of the tab 1
                Content of the tab 2
    import JqxTabs from 'jqwidgets-scripts/jqwidgets-vue/vue_jqxtabs.vue';
    export default {
      components: {
      data: function() {
        return {
          visible: true
      methods: {
        doThings: function() {
          this.visible = !this.visible;
    <style src='./assets/styles/jqwidgets/jqx.base.css'></style>
    <style src='./assets/styles/jqwidgets/jqx.material-green.css'></style>
    JqxTabs style goes off #106803


    Hello Alex Skiba,

    The reason for this to happen is that once the jqxTabs component is initialized and you are using v-if,
    the </li> element is removed and then is added again but without the jqwidgets classes and internal elements.

    Instead, you can add and remove a class for hiding and showing the element.
    Please, check this solution:

        Tab 2 should be {{visible ? 'visible' : 'hidden'}}
        <br />
        <button @click="doThings">Boom</button>
                <li>Tab 1</li>
                <li id="tab2">Tab 2</li>
                Content of the tab 1
                Content of the tab 2
    import JqxTabs from 'jqwidgets-scripts/jqwidgets-vue/vue_jqxtabs.vue';
    export default {
      components: {
      data: function() {
        return {
          visible: true
      methods: {
        doThings: function() {
            if (this.visible) {
            } else {
          this.visible = !this.visible;
        .hidden {
            visibility: hidden;
    <style src='./assets/styles/jqwidgets/jqx.base.css'></style>
    <style src='./assets/styles/jqwidgets/jqx.material-green.css'></style>

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets Team

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