jQuery UI Widgets › Forums › Angular › jqxRibbon is not displayed correctly
This topic contains 8 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Liam 6 years, 11 months ago.
Hello, I have the following component hierarchy : jqxWindow -> jqxRibbon -> jqxGrid
When I open a jqxWindow, the jqxRibbon is not displayed correctly.app.component.html
<jqxWindow #window [autoOpen]="false" [isModal]="true" [width]="640" [height]="480"> <div> <jqxRibbon #ribbon [width]="600" [height]="400" [position]="'left'" [selectionMode]="'click'" [animationType]="'none'"> <ul id="header" style="width: 150px;"> <li>Grid</li> <li>Items</li> </ul> <div> <div> <jqxGrid #grid [source]="dataAdapter" [columns]="columns" [width]="400" [height]="300"></jqxGrid> </div> <div>Items go here</div> </div> </jqxRibbon> </div> </jqxWindow> <input type="button" value="Open window" (click)="openWindow()">
export class AppComponent { @ViewChild('window') window: jqxWindow; source = { localdata: [ ['AAA'], ['BBB'] ], datafields: [ {name: 'text', type: 'string', map: '0'} ], datatype: 'array' }; dataAdapter = new jqx.dataAdapter(this.source); columns: any[] = [ {text: 'text', datafield: 'text'} ]; openWindow() { this.window.open(); } }
Thank you !
Hi Liam,
Please look at this demo:
https://www.jqwidgets.com/angular/angular-ribbon/angular-ribbon-integrationwithotherwidgets.htmHere the grid is created within the initContent callback.
My advice is to use the jqxSpliiter(not jqxRibbon) and inside of it to make tabs and grid.Best Regards,
IvojQWidgets Team
http://www.jqwidgets.com/Hi Ivo. Thank you for answer.
In this example we have a jqxRibbon component which contains manually created jqxGrid components in initContent() method.
I have a bit more complex situation. Each node in the jqxRibbon component is angular component. How can I create them manually ?<jqxRibbon #jqxRibbon [width]="'100%'" [height]="'calc( 100% - 50px )'" [initContent]="initContent" [position]="'left'" [selectionMode]="'click'" [animationType]="'none'"> <ul id="header" style="width: 150px;"> <li>General</li> <li>Bindings</li> <li>Logger</li> </ul> <div> <app-general></app-general> <app-bindings></app-bindings> <app-logger></app-logger> </div> </jqxRibbon>
Thank you !
Hi Liam,
Do you mean this:
https://angular.io/guide/dynamic-component-loaderBest Regards,
IvojQWidgets Team
http://www.jqwidgets.com/Hello, Ivo.
Yes, I mean something like this.
I’ve tried to implement it, but it didn’t work. What I did wrong ?app.component.ts
export class AppComponent { @ViewChild('general', {read: ViewContainerRef}) general: ViewContainerRef; constructor(private componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver) { } initContent = () => { const componentFactory = this.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(GeneralComponent); this.general.createComponent(componentFactory); } }
<jqxWindow #window [autoOpen]="false" [isModal]="true" [initContent]="initContent" [resizable]="false" [width]="640" [height]="480"> <div> <jqxRibbon #jqxRibbon [width]="'600px'" [height]="'400px'" [position]="'left'" [selectionMode]="'click'" [animationType]="'none'"> <ul id="header" style="width: 150px;"> <li>General</li> </ul> <div> <div> <ng-template #general></ng-template> </div> </div> </jqxRibbon> </div> </jqxWindow> <input type="button" (click)="window.open()" value="Open Window">
... entryComponents: [GeneralComponent], ...
GeneralComponent is a regular Angular component
Thank you !
Hello Liam,
We are working on an example for your case.
Thank you for your patience.Best Regards,
StanislavjQWidgets Team
http://www.jqwidgets.com/Thank you !
Hello Liam,
Here is an example:
<jqxWindow #window [autoOpen]="false" [isModal]="true" [initContent]="initContent" [resizable]="false" [width]="640" [height]="480"> <div>Window</div> <div #windowContent> <div id="ribbon"> <ul id="header" style="width: 100px;"> <li>General</li> </ul> <div> <div> <div #general></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </jqxWindow>
import { Component, OnInit, ComponentFactoryResolver, ViewContainerRef, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { jqxWindowComponent } from 'jqwidgets-scripts/jqwidgets-ts/angular_jqxwindow'; import { GeneralComponent } from './general.component'; @Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', }) export class AppComponent { constructor(private componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver) { } @ViewChild('window') myWindow: jqxWindowComponent; @ViewChild('general', { read: ViewContainerRef }) containerViewContainerRef; ngAfterViewInit() { this.myWindow.open(); } initContent = () => { let jqxRibbon: jqwidgets.jqxRibbon = jqwidgets.createInstance('#ribbon', 'jqxRibbon', { width: 600, height: 400, position: 'left', selectionMode: 'click', animationType: 'none'}); } ngOnInit() { let componentFactory = this.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(GeneralComponent); let componentRef = this.containerViewContainerRef.createComponent(componentFactory); componentRef.instance.name = 'Your name here!'; } }
import { Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ template: <code>{{name}}</code> }) export class GeneralComponent { name: any; }
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { jqxWindowComponent } from 'jqwidgets-scripts/jqwidgets-ts/angular_jqxwindow'; import { jqxRibbonComponent } from 'jqwidgets-scripts/jqwidgets-ts/angular_jqxribbon'; import { AppComponent } from './app.component'; import { GeneralComponent } from './general.component'; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent, GeneralComponent, jqxWindowComponent, jqxRibbonComponent ], imports: [ BrowserModule ], entryComponents: [GeneralComponent], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }
Best Regards,
StanislavjQWidgets Team
http://www.jqwidgets.com/Works !
Thank you very much !!! -
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