jQuery UI Widgets › Forums › Editors › Input, Password Input, TextArea, ColorPicker, Rating, TagCloud, Loader › Jqxinput autocomplete error
Tagged: Angular input, bootstrap input, javascript input, jQuery Input, jqwidgets input, jqxinput auto-complete value
This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Hristo 6 years ago.
I have an error following this steps:
– Writing a text into the jqxinput
– Clic on the autocomplete proposed value
– Remove the text of the jqxinput
– Writing another text that are not in the autocomplete
– Validate the formThe value received is always the old autocomplete value, not the written value.
The issue do not exist if I do not select an autocomplete proposed value.
I have this issue with 4.1.2 and 4.3.0 version.
Hi gsoares,
We followed the steps you wrote in an attempt to reproduce this behavior but we were unable to. The jqxInput
method always returns the value you’ve chosen from the autocomplete list or the new value that you’ve entered and isn’t present there. Perhaps the issue is in the way you validate the form. Please provide a demo or a code sample so we can see where is the root of the problem.Best Regards,
ChristopherjQWidgets Team
I reproduced that with this code (with an DataAdapter):
(You must enabled cross origine requests on you browser security)As you see, if I flollow this steps:
– Write ana in the textbox
– Select Ana Trujillo
– Click on the button –> The correct value is returned
– Remove the text
– Write toto
– Click on the button –> The val() always return Ana Trujillo instead of toto.Thank you to help me.
When you bind it to a data source with Label and Value members, the val() method returns only what is selected, not what is typed, because what is typed may not be part of the data source i.e to ensure that there is a Value that matches the Label.
What does this mean ? Is it not a bug ? Will it be fixed ?
For me it’s clearly a bug: Value displayed != Value returned.
“the val() method returns only what is selected, not what is typed” –> It’s wrong, it return the typed string until that autocomplete value is selected.
The same component with an ArrayList seems working as expected, but not with a Datasource.
With a datasource, it works until the user do select a value from the datasource.Sincerely.
i have the same problem… give it a solution?
Could you clarify your issue?
Please, provide us with an example that demonstrates your case.Best Regards,
Hristo HristovjQWidgets team
https://www.jqwidgets.com -
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