jQuery UI Widgets Forums Plugins Data Adapter jqxGrid Data Adapter with MVC Stored Procedure

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  soojung 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • soojung

    Hello. I’m using ASP.NET MVC pattern calling data from Stored Procedure. I get that data with ajax, then trying to adjust adapter with jqxGrid. If I do this, it just draw grid line and show no data… What is problem? Here is my code.


    public ActionResult RefreshData(string saupcode, string branchcode)
    			using (var ctx = new UserDBContext())
    			using (var cmd = ctx.Database.Connection.CreateCommand())
    				cmd.CommandText = "EXEC AGENT_SEL '" + saupcode + "', '" + branchcode +'";
    				// 0.SaupCode, 1.SaupName, 2.BranchCode, 3.BranchName, 4.AgentCode, 5.AgentName, 6.BusinessCode, 7.ModemNo, 8.UseFlag, 9.IDate, 10.UDate, 11.LastRecvDate
    				using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
    					var model = clsDBHandler.Read(reader).ToList();
    					var result = new { querydata = model };
    					return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);


    	$(function () {
    		var saupCode = "00",
    		branchCode = "000";
    		var Gridsource = {
    			dataType: "json",
    			mtype: 'GET',
    			datafields: [
    				{ name: 'SaupName'},
    				{ name: 'BranchName'},
    				{ name: 'AgentCode'},
    				{ name: 'AgentName'}
    			url: '/RegAgent/RefreshData/',
    			data: {
    				saupcode: saupCode,
    				branchcode: branchCode
    		var dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(Gridsource, {
    			loadComplete: function (records) {
    				var alldata = records.querydata,						
    			            dataLen = alldata.length,
    		                    rowdata = new Array();
    				for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    					var row = new Array();
    					var oneData = alldata[i] + '';
    					var a_splitData = oneData.split(',');
    					row["SaupName"] = a_splitData[1];
    					row["BranchName"] = a_splitData[3];
    					row["AgentCode"] = a_splitData[4];
    					row["AgentName"] = a_splitData[5];
    					rowdata[i] = row;
    				return row;
    			source: dataAdapter,
    			theme: 'darkblue',
    			width: 800,
    			columns: [
    		    { text: 'SaupName', width: 100, datafield: 'SaupName'},
                        { text: 'BranchName', width: 100, datafield: 'BranchName'},
                        { text: 'AgentCode', width: 100, datafield: 'AgentCode', cellsformat: 'n2'},
                        { text: 'AgentName', width: 100, datafield: 'AgentName', cellsformat: 'n2'}


    Sorry, I did mistake getting sp data… I solved.

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