jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid jqxGrid column header filtertype:'checklist' count

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Todor 5 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Nitish

    Hello People,

    I have to show/display counts next to jqxgrid filtertype:checkedlist dropdown options in the header.
    for Example –Here you can see a jqxgrid in which the product column has some options value(Black tea , Green Tea),what i want is once i open the drop down , the list options will have the count means if i am selection the Black Tea option and Black Tea has appeared 10 times inside the grid then it will show in the dropdown like
    “Black Tea – 10”
    “Milk Tea – 5”
    By viewing the dropdown option list i can figure out that the particular option has 10 or 5 records in to the jqxgrid

    `{ text: ‘Type’,cellsrenderer: somefunc, cellsalign: “center”, filtertype: ‘checkedlist’, datafield: ‘task_id’, width: 60,pinned: true },


    Hello Nitish,

    Please review the following example whether it fits your needs.

    Let us know if you need further assistance.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets Team

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