jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid jqxDateTimeInput not working at all

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  mr_putersmit 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • mr_putersmit

    I have a strange problem with using a jqxDateTimeInput field in my popup form. The field is showing as normal html and no calender or icon is present. Also, I cannot perform any propertes on the input. For example, I used disabled: true or readonly: true and nothing happens. The field is still responding as a normal html field.

    I have posted cut down code that I am using to create the input and would be grateful for some assistance as I have been trying to sort this for 2 days and cannot see what I am doing wrong.

    I am using jQWidgets v3.1.0 | jqx-all.js

    //datafield entry
    name: 'destdate',
    type: 'date',
    format: 'yyyy-MM-dd'
    //column entry
    text: 'Destruction Date',
    datafield: 'destdate',
    width: 120,
    cellsalign: 'left',
    columntype: 'date',
    cellsformat: 'dd/MM/yyyy',
    filtertype: 'date',
    columntype: 'datetimeinput'							 	
    //initialize input
    $("#destdate").jqxDateTimeInput({ width: 195, height: 23, readonly: true, disabled: true, theme: theme });
    // popup entry
    <td align="right">Destroy Date:</td>
    <td align="left"><input id="destdate" /></td>

    Peter Stoev

    Hi mr_putersmit,

    The widget works correctly in the current version. If we used to have an error several years ago, we do not have it now.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team


    Thanks for reply peter. However, if I code the input outside the grid it works as expected. Would that be consistent with what you quoted about my version? Is there a way that I can use the new version of jqxdatetimeinput without updating the rest of the widgets? Thanks

    Peter Stoev

    Hi mr_putersmit,

    I suggest you to look at the Editing demos of the Grid to learn how to configure editors if any configuration is required.. I am not aware of issues related to DateTimeInput in previous versions as well. However, you can check the Release Notes about what’s changes since the version you currently use.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team


    Hi Peter. Updated to latest version and all good. Thanks for support

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