I implemented jqxcombobox remote search. Here based on typed characters, I am getting data from server and displaying list items.
But I am facing an issue while using ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ arrow buttons. Once the list items are displayed and navigating through these items using ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ buttons, these items are automatically selected in combobox and ‘Select’ event is firing this causing code to execute.
As per my scenario, Whenever I selected a list item, then only ‘Select’ event code should execute.
I verified the below link and there is no ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ button selection issue.
The link is : http://www.jqwidgets.com/jquery-widgets-demo/demos/jqxcombobox/index.htm#demos/jqxcombobox/bindingtojson.htm
( Please refer “Binding to JSON” link.)
Thanks and Regards,