jQuery UI Widgets Forums Chart jqxchart line baseUnit month and year

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  tamaraOnt 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • tamaraOnt

    I am doing a jqxChart line, and I’m following the example in your web, but I have a problem.

    In my case, the data are not only in the same year, so I have the same month several times.

    In the example, you use the baseUnit to ‘month’, and you create and array to get the correspondence month, but I don’t know how to do in my case.
    Can I establish as baseUnit month and year as the same time?

    Waiting for your answer.

    I hope I’ve explain me well, because it’s very dificult to explain 😛


    Hello tamaraOnt,

    In the example Line Series, you may modify the formatFunction to:

    formatFunction: function (value) {
    return (value.getMonth() + 1) + "." + value.getFullYear();

    This way, both the month and year will be displayed.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team


    Thanks a lot 🙂

    It helps me a lot.

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