jQuery UI Widgets Forums Chart jqxChart Issue in 2.1

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Peter Stoev 12 years, 8 months ago.

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  • jqxChart Issue in 2.1 #4386


    Hi there

    I think there is a bug in jqxChart 2.1. When setting “showGridLines: false;” even the 0-x-axe is not shown anymore. this was working fne in 2.0. Here a sample code:

    var dataSource1 = [
    { Day: '05.05.2012', Transactions: 0 },
    { Day: '06.05.2012', Transactions: 0 },
    { Day: '07.05.2012', Transactions: 145 },
    { Day: '08.05.2012', Transactions: 125 },
    { Day: '09.05.2012', Transactions: 175 },
    { Day: '10.05.2012', Transactions: 145 },
    { Day: '11.05.2012', Transactions: 145 },
    { Day: '12.05.2012', Transactions: 20 },
    { Day: '13.05.2012', Transactions: 0 },
    { Day: '14.05.2012', Transactions: 145 },
    { Day: '15.05.2012', Transactions: 139 },
    { Day: '16.05.2012', Transactions: 125 },
    { Day: '17.05.2012', Transactions: 175 },
    { Day: '18.05.2012', Transactions: 125 },
    { Day: '19.05.2012', Transactions: 5 },
    { Day: '20.05.2012', Transactions: 0 },
    { Day: '21.05.2012', Transactions: 145 },
    { Day: '22.05.2012', Transactions: 90 },
    { Day: '23.05.2012', Transactions: 122 },
    { Day: '24.05.2012', Transactions: 132 },
    { Day: '25.05.2012', Transactions: 142 },
    { Day: '26.05.2012', Transactions: 10 },
    { Day: '27.05.2012', Transactions: 0 },
    { Day: '28.05.2012', Transactions: 122 },
    { Day: '29.05.2012', Transactions: 178 },
    { Day: '30.05.2012', Transactions: 132 },
    { Day: '31.05.2012', Transactions: 152 },
    { Day: '01.06.2012', Transactions: 120 },
    { Day: '02.06.2012', Transactions: 0 },
    { Day: '03.06.2012', Transactions: 0 }

    var settings1 = {
    source: dataSource1,
    enableAnimations: false,
    showLegend: false,
    borderColor: '#e3e3e3',
    background: '#e3e3e3',
    categoryAxis: {
    dataField: 'Day',
    formatFunction: function (value) {
    return ' ';
    showTickMarks: false,
    showGridLines: false,
    axisSize: 'auto'
    colorScheme: 'scheme01',
    seriesGroups: [ {
    type: 'column',
    columnsGapPercent: 100,
    valueAxis: {
    minValue: 0,
    maxValue: 150,
    unitInterval: 50,
    displayValueAxis: true,
    showGridLines: false,
    axisSize: 'auto',
    series: [ {
    dataField: 'Transactions'
    } ]
    } ]


    Thx & cheers,

    jqxChart Issue in 2.1 #4393

    Peter Stoev

    I tested the reported behavior and I confirm it. The issue’s fix is scheduled for the next release.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

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