jQuery UI Widgets Forums Editors Calendar jqxCalendar with input

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  • jqxCalendar with input #87770



    Is there any chance to get the jqxCalendar work like jqxDateTimeInput, that is, have an input and an icon to open/close the calendar ?

    Because I don’t need time entry, I know it can be hidden in jqxDateTimeInput but it misses main functionalities of jqxCalendar : special date, restricted dates etc …

    IMHO thoses 2 widgets could have been merged into only 1.


    jqxCalendar with input #87842


    Hello Loko,

    Unfortunately, we do not have such example.
    But you could try to create with your custom logic.
    Could try to use jqxMenu in combination with jqxCalendaror or jqxPopOver.
    Thank you for the interest to our Widget.

    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team

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