jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid jqGrid – getrows include hidden fields

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  antrax13 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • jqGrid – getrows include hidden fields #90298



    I have a grid with hidden field ID.

    I will do some filtering and after this I want to get all the IDs after filter has been applied.

    I am using


    This will return all the data that is visible in grid after filter however it will not return hidden fields so I can not extract ID.

    What I need is after filtering to get all the IDs (hidden field) or get all DATA but including hidden fields.

    Best Regards.

    jqGrid – getrows include hidden fields #90302

    Peter Stoev

    Hi antrax13,

    getrows includes all fields data bound to the Grid. If you have a column with hidden: true, that data is included in the result as well. It does not include data not part of the datafields collection of the source object even if such is available in your data source so check whether all datafields required for your Grid app are defined. Also our Grid component is called, jqxGrid, not jqGrid which is another product not developed by jQWidgets.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

    jqGrid – getrows include hidden fields #90304


    yes sorry for mistake, i am confused tbh with name because website name is jqwidget but everything is jqx….

    anyway thanks for your reply but it didnt help me but I have workaround.

    I was trying to export to excel (.xlsx not .xls) so I was trying to get all hidden IDs and pass it to excel class to generate excel file.

    However now I am passing json with all visible data so hidden fields are not needed.

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