jQuery UI Widgets Forums Lists ComboBox issue with combo drop down

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  • issue with combo drop down #106119


    hello –

    once again i have to state how totally awesome jqwigets are. you have no idea how much time and work using jqwidgets has saved me. thank you so much.


    i am running into a minor issue with multiSelect, html, and checkboxes. please see my example and toggle the checkbox option between true & false.

    Without the checkboxes, it works great. but with checkboxes, the html is not interpreted.


    issue with combo drop down #106121


    Hello edwardsmarkf,

    Both properties work in different way. multiSelect creates a container with html elements in it for each selected option. checkboxes just add the string value of the selection option to an input value attribute, that’s way the html is not interpreted. I hope that makes things clear.

    Let us know if you need further assistance.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets Team

    issue with combo drop down #106126


    hello – what we need is a multiSelect option where we can select two or more options on one dropdown, identical to how the checkbox option works now. maybe shift-click, ctrl-click, etc.

    and it has to be able to support html.

    http://jsfiddle.net/edwardsmarkf/nqpLj5ct/11/ (multiSelect checkbox with html which does not work)

    http://jsfiddle.net/edwardsmarkf/nqpLj5ct/12/ (multiSelect without checkbox using html, which does work)

    is there a way to simulate the checkbox multi-select functionality, possibly using shift-click or ctrl-click?

    issue with combo drop down #106135


    Hello edwardsmarkf,

    I’ve got your idea and created a workaround with multiSelect property. I hope that it would work for you.

    Let us know if you need further assistance.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets Team

    issue with combo drop down #106138


    Hello edwardsmark,

    The previous fiddle had an issue. Please review the following example.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets Team

    issue with combo drop down #106150


    hello – thank you very much.

    is there any chance something like this will become available as a property in the very near future? this option is extraordinary useful.

    issue with combo drop down #106153


    hello – your example has a minor bug:


    try clicking the LAST item in the list, and it also selected the FIRST item as well. also, if you want to select the LAST TWO items, you have to scroll each time.

    i am hoping for a solution that works more like the checkbox example, but will allow me to include html.

    i believe this solution will be so useful that jqwidgets should consider making this a property option.

    issue with combo drop down #106162


    Hello edwardsmark,

    Thank you for the request. We get requests about new features and new components every day and try to implement the most requested.

    About the example – it is a workaround therefore it may has some minor bugs. I’ve tried to make it as closest as it can to the wanted functionality.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets Team

    issue with combo drop down #106235

    I am using dropdown checkbox in jquery. When i select the checkbox, the text is highlighted. If i clear the selection and open the dropdown again, it is highlighted the last unselected checkbox text. I would like to clear the highlighted color after unselect.

    issue with combo drop down #106246


    Todor –

    i appreciate that jqwidgets gets requests quite often.

    would jqwidgets consider implementing a request if i were to pay to have it done? the resulting request could (and indeed SHOULD) be made public. no need to tell the world i paid for it, but maybe if they hover over the new item, my photo pops up (joking…)

    issue with combo drop down #106252


    Hello edwardsmark,

    If you want to pay for a specific feature you have to contact with the Sales Department (sales@jqwidgets.com).

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets Team

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