jQuery UI Widgets Forums Form Is there a way to use jqxValidator to control state of buttons?

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  • Krzysio

    So I have a page with an entry for email and a button to send that email.

    While it is nice to have a tooltip that tells me whether the entered email is valid or not, I would also like to have the ‘Send’ button enabled only if the email is valid and disabled otherwise.

    This seems more friendly than validation on the form submission.

    I cannot figure out how to do this within the jQWidgets framework.

    Any ideas?



    Hi Krzysio,

    The form raises a ‘buttonClick’ event which you can use for validation purposes and make decisions whether to submit the form or not.

    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team


    Hi Peter,

    Yes, I understand that the form can be validated after clicking on the button.

    What I wanted to accomplish is that the button should be active only *after* the email passes the validator.

    In other words, whenever the tooltip displays the “Invalid e-mail” text, the button is inactive and cannot be clicked.

    After some thinking, it occurred to me that the documentation of the validateInput API might be incorrect: why would it return no value? This did not make sense, so I experimented and turns out that it does return a value, and the following works:

    $(document).ready(function () {
      $("#email").jqxInput({  width: '250px', height: '30px', placeHolder: "Enter email" });
      $("#passwd").jqxPasswordInput({  width: '250px', height: '30px', showStrength: false, placeHolder: "Enter password" });
      $('#form').jqxValidator({rules: [{ input: '#email', message: 'Invalid e-mail!', action: 'keyup', rule: 'email'}] })
      $("#login").click(function () { $('#form').jqxValidator('validate'); });
    function checkInput() {
      var eI = ($("#email").val() === "") || ! $('#form').jqxValidator('validateInput', '#email'); // is true if email empty or invalid
      var pI = ($("#passwd").val() === ""); // is true if password empty
      $("#login").jqxButton({ disabled: (pI || eI) });

    And here’s the button:

    <input style="width: 250px;" size="38" type="text" id="email" name="email" oninput="checkInput()" />

    The code makes the button inactive unless the email entry is non-empty and valid, and the password entry is non-empty.

    So the only remaining question is: could this have been done in a simpler manner?



    Hi Krzysio,

    This seems Ok to me as a validation method. I think it is safe to continue with it.

    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

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