jQuery UI Widgets Forums Lists DropDownList insertAt with rendered list items.

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  • insertAt with rendered list items. #86553



    I’m attempting to insert an item at the top of a dropdown, but this dropdown is using the renderer function to customize the look of the list items. Is there a way to use insertAt with rendered list items, perhaps with the html field? I have not been successful. Many thanks.


    my dropdown renderer:

    renderer: function (index, label, value) {
    var datarecord = empSource.records[index];
    var imgurl = ‘http://lex.lsbc.org/extract/staff/’ + datarecord.staff_pic;
    var img = ‘‘;
    var table = ‘<div style=”float:left; width:90px;”>’ + img + ‘</div> <div>’ + datarecord.preferred_nm + ‘</div></br><div>’ + datarecord.title + ‘</div>’
    return table;

    insertAt with rendered list items. #86685


    Hello Weibing,

    When you add a dropdownlist item with insertAt, it will automatically be rendered using the renderer callback function. Here is an example: https://www.jseditor.io/?key=jqxdropdownlist-add-new-rendered-item.

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

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