jQuery UI Widgets Forums Grid How to format nested array field

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  • How to format nested array field #112770


    The server returns the array of users. Each user has two string fields ID and email and one array field tasks:

    users: {
      ID: "5f31b39eb2b316435a8a91f5",
      email: 'Elio.Petersen@yahoo.com',
      tasks: [
          task_name: "Task_A",
          ID: "5f31b39eb2b316435a8a91f3",
          task_name: "Task_B",
          ID: "5f31b39eb2b316435a8a91f3",

    I have defined the datafields for jqxgrid:

          { name: 'ID', type: 'string' },
          { name: 'email', type: 'string' },
          { name: 'tasks', type: 'array' }

    jqxgrid renders the user ID and email correctly. But the tasks column cell shows [object Object].
    Instead I would like to display the Task_A, Task_B which are values stored in each task in task_name attribute.

    Is it possible to achieve? How?

    How to format nested array field #112777


    Hello jqwidgetuser,

    I would like to mention that we have a lot of similar topics in our forum that could be useful.
    Please, take a look at this topic:
    Also, I would like to suggest you look at this tutorial:
    Please, let me know if you still have trouble with this.

    Best Regards,
    Hristo Hristov

    jQWidgets team

    How to format nested array field #112780


    Thank you for the links!
    With the nested task JSON data object attribute storing single dictionary I can map: 'task>task_name'

    users: {
      ID: "5f31b39eb2b316435a8a91f5",
      email: 'Elio.Petersen@yahoo.com',
          task_name: "Task_A",
          ID: "5f31b39eb2b316435a8a91f3",
          { name: 'tasks', map: 'task>task_name' },

    The JSON object in my case has many tasks

    users: {
      ID: "5f31b39eb2b316435a8a91f5",
      email: 'Elio.Petersen@yahoo.com',
      tasks: [
          task_name: "Task_A",
          ID: "5f31b39eb2b316435a8a91f3",
          task_name: "Task_B",
          ID: "5f31b39eb2b316435a8a91f3",

    The map: 'task>task_name' doesn’t work with nested array field tasks here because map references to a single task using a task.task_name path. To deal with the array tasks I have to use the index of element in the tasks array, such as tasks[index].task_name.

    What is the syntax or an approach to make map: support an array of objects in the nested JSON field tasks? Is there a reserved word for the index?

    How to format nested array field #112786


    Hi jqwidgetuser,

    The DataGrid does not have built-in solution to display this kind of data. It will need to be mutated/transformed before binding it to the DataGrid.
    My suggestion is when you receive the data from the server, loop through the data and prepare a local array with the records which you want to display in the DataGrid. After that, bind that local array to the DataGrid.

    Best regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

    How to format nested array field #112789


    Thanks for a quick response!

    I went ahead and implemented it using beforeLoadComplete:

      let users = {
        ID: "5f31b39eb2b316435a8a91f5",
        email: 'Elio.Petersen@yahoo.com',
        tasks: [
            task_name: "Task_A",
            ID: "5f31b39eb2b316435a8a91f3",
            task_name: "Task_B",
            ID: "5f31b39eb2b316435a8a91f3",
      source: any =
        datatype: 'json',
            { name: 'ID', type: 'string' },
            { name: 'email', type: 'string' },
            { name: 'tasks', type: 'array' }
        url: "https://www.mydomain.com/data",
        cache: false,
        root: 'Rows',
        beforeLoadComplete: (data: any, dwnData: any) => {
          let _data = [];
          for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
              let item = data[i];
              let _tasks = [];
              for (let n = 0; n < item.tasks.length; n++) {
              item["tasks"] = _tasks; 
          return _data;
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