jQuery UI Widgets Forums Angular how to change language in filter?


This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Martin 3 years, 2 months ago.

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  • how to change language in filter? #120605


    <jqxGrid #myGrid class=”grid” (onCellclick)=”Cellclick($event)” [rowdetails]=”true” [height]=”getHeight()”
    [width]=”getWidth()” [source]=”dataAdapter” [columns]=”columns” [initrowdetails]=”initRowDetails” [ready]=”ready”
    [rowdetailstemplate]=”rowdetailstemplate” [sortable]=”false” [filterable]=”true” [enabletooltips]=”true”
    [localization]=”{’emptydatastring’:’无数据’,’pagerrangestring’:’ 共 ‘,’pagershowrowsstring’:’每页显示:’,’pagergotopagestring’:’跳往:’,’sortascendingstring’:’升序排序’,’sortdescendingstring’:’降序排序’,’sortremovestring’:’删除排序’}”
    [pageable]=”true” [pagesizeoptions]=”[‘5′, ’10’, ’20’]” [columnsheight]=”26″ [rowsheight]=”26″>

    use [filterable]=“true”, how change english to chinese???

    how to change language in filter? #120609


    Hello Ronaldo,

    This is the Example that I have shared in your previous post.
    It shows how to change the language of the filter panel’s “Filter” and “Clear” buttons. If that is not what you need could you clarify what do you want to achieve? Thank you!

    Best Regards,
    Martin Yotov

    jQWidgets Team

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