jQuery UI Widgets Forums Editors Input, Password Input, TextArea, ColorPicker, Rating, TagCloud, Loader How Can I Get & Set With JqxInput Multiple Value

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Dimitar 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • minsu0806

    The item , I made with jqxInput, bind data with json.

    my problem list are here.

    1) have to get multiple valueitem. not multiple displayitem.
    (http://jsfiddle.net/a2f29jpy/) <- I think that just can get display item list.
    $(“#item”).jqxInput(‘val’) can get item just one thing, json item.

    2) have to set multiple valueitem & show value’s displayItems
    i want set my jqxinput’s values 1,2
    then display on jqxinput “first, second”

    $(“#item”).jqxInput(‘val’,item’) <- this method can’t support json array.

    can i solve that?
    thank you


    Hello minsu0806,

    1) There is no direct way to achieve this. You can, however, store the valueitems on the select event in an array and when you need them, just get the array. The demo Binding to JSON Data might be helpful to you for this matter.

    2) This type of setting is not supported. You can only add one item with both label and value, e.g.:

    $('#jqxInput').jqxInput('val', {label: "Item 1", value: "1"});

    Best Regards,

    jQWidgets team

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