This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  heinz 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hide scrollbars #81842



    I’am trying to hide the scrollbars of a panel, because I want to scroll programatically dependant on some criteria. When setting the scrollbar size to 0, scrollbars are still shown, at least very narrow (3 pixels or so), and are still accessible too. When setting the size to -1 or -2, scrollbars are still there, when setting the size to -3 scrollbars disappear. But this has side effects when aligning the panel with other elements.
    On mobile devices, even worse, the scroll bar size parameter does not seem to have any effect. Scrollbars are always shown with thte default size.

    Suggestion: when the parameter “scrollBarSize” is set to 0, hide scrollbars unconditionally.

    Did I miss something, or are there any workarounds for this?


    Hide scrollbars #81855

    Peter Stoev

    Hi Heinz,

    This is not possible and not planned to be. The size as any size property should be positive number.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Stoev

    jQWidgets Team

    Hide scrollbars #81861


    Hi Peter,

    thanks for the reply – I appreciate that. Although it doesn’t please me at all, as I have to neglect using the panel widget for my purposes.


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